Secure Sockets Layer is what SSL stands for. Convert HTTP to HTTPS

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SSL Certificates

What SSL means?

secure sockets layer
Secure Sockets Layer is what SSL stands for. Protocol that enables data sent over the Internet to be encrypted, decrypted, and authenticated for web browsers and servers.


What is SSL used for?
SSL is typically used to protect credit card transactions, data transfers, and logins. More recently, it has started to become the standard for protecting social media site browsing as well. Together, SSL certificates bind: a hostname, domain name, or server name. A company’s location and organizational identity, such as its name.


How does an SSL work?
The web server forwards a copy of its SSL certificate to the browser/server. In that case, it notifies the web server. A digitally signed acknowledgement is sent back by the web server to initiate an SSL encrypted session. The web server and the browser/server exchange encrypted data.


Do I need SSL?
Customers and site visitors are more likely to have their data stolen if SSL isn’t installed. Without encryption, the security of your website is also at risk. SSL shields websites against numerous threats, including phishing scams and data breaches. In the end, it creates a safe space for site owners and visitors alike.


What happens if you don’t have SSL?
Your website may continue to operate normally without an SSL certificate, but it will be open to hackers and Google will alert users that it is not secure. Additionally, Google favors websites with SSL certificates.

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